Saturday, April 18, 2009

and the BEAT goes ON!

First full week back from the NCECA Conference in Phoenix. Made some new contacts. Got my students back working.

We did Ceramic Olympics II: siamese twin throwing and bindfolded musical chair throwing. I think that the ceramic electric kiln is finally fixed. It has been down since the middle of last semester and I have changed two coils and all the possible switches and relays plus the two wall plugs connections. Finally got the main breaker panel switch changed and everything passed my first test! I plan to do a full firing today and we will see if everything is HOT to go!

HOT . . . HOT like BACON!


  1. Ahh fun. Today was Berkeley's school wide open house. I saw a show with some student ceramic work, and the art studio was also having a sale with tables full of bowls, cups, etc. Made me miss ceramics even more.

  2. Well it's good to know you still have a place for ceramics some where in your mind.
